Roulette strategy

roulette strategyOf course you play online roulette to win. Winning at roulette is sometimes not easy and can be quite frustrating. Fortunately, you can use roulette strategy to increase your chances of winning. There are many different roulette strategies you can use in the online casino.

Are you new to the world of roulette? Then it might come in handy to learn a roulette system. On our website you can read everything about the latest strategies for roulette. This way you can be well prepared at the roulette tables.

What are the best known Roulette strategies in the casino?

most common roulette strategies

There are hundreds of roulette strategies online. Some systems actually don’t work very well at all. But most tactics are mostly a personal choice. For example, one system may work perfectly with your budget. While another roulette strategy may not work at all. It’s all about trial and error and playing roulette very often in the beginning.

Which tactic you ultimately choose is of course a personal choice. Below you’ll find a handy overview of all the roulette systems.

How do you know which Roulette system suits you?

First off, it might be smart to just try it out. In almost every online casino you have the option to try Roulette table games for free. You play the game in a kind of demo mode. The demo mode allows you to play the game for free. You’re given an amount of money to wager at the casino.

Usually this is a really big amount of money. For example € 5,000 and you can spend it freely in roulette. Of course it is fake money. You can’t win or lose anything with it. Now you can see how a game of roulette will go. But most of all, see which strategy works best for you!

Check out which strategy suits you

Which strategy to use

For players, it is important to find out which strategies appeal to you. But also whether the system works with the budget you have in mind.

Imagine you deposit € 50 on your account. You decide to use the Martingale system, because it’s nice and easy after all. Then you find out pretty quickly that this system doesn’t work well with € 50.

If you would have found out about this with your own money, you would have lost your money completely. This hurts especially when you had to play the complete month with € 50. By playing with it in the demo mode you really find out!

Choose a system you thoroughly understand

Understanding Roulette System

There are roulette systems that are fairly easy to master in a casino. Unfortunately, there are also systems that are quite difficult to learn. The Red Bet strategy, for example, is something you can master in no time.

But the D’Alembert system is something you really have to read through. Therefore, it’s important to choose a system that suits you and that you understand 100%. Especially when playing in the live casino you need to be able to switch quickly.

A system that you don’t understand at all is of no use to you. So make sure you read through the system and practice at the casino. This way you can be sure that you won’t make any mistakes because you didn’t understand the system.

First choose the right Roulette table for you

Beste roulette tafel

Before trying out Roulette tactics, it’s smart to pick a table. In online casinos you’ll often come across different roulette variations. For instance, you can play European Roulette, French Roulette or American Roulette. In any case we don’t recommend choosing the American variant. On the roulette wheel you will for example always see the zero. This is the house edge for the casino.

In American Roulette, the zero appears twice on the wheel. While this does not occur in European Roulette or the French variant. This is why we always recommend playing European or French Roulette. Playing Roulette in the live casino? Or at a land based gambling palace? Then you’re usually playing the European version unless otherwise specified.

Pay close attention to the limits at the table

Roulette strategy is basically always based on wagering systems. This is because you can never predict the outcome of the wheel. The wheel always spins randomly and then lands on a particular number. With a strategy, you can bet in a certain way. A betting strategy actually helps you to divide your budget. However, in some systems, your budget may be deployed fairly quickly.

For example, there are systems that require you to double your bet. So choosing the right table is very important. When it comes to roulette tactics, it’s useful to consider how far you can go at a specific table. A table with a high limit may be at an advantage. But your minimum bet shouldn’t be too low either. Online casinos often set their own limits. In online casinos, you’ll usually find an extra high limit at the live casino. This can be useful in a roulette system. So pay attention to this when you choose a game.

Setting a Budget for Online Roulette Play

Before you get started with any roulette strategy, it’s important to set your budget. We recommend that you budget specifically for this casino game. Don’t set your entire casino budget for this game. Set the amount you want to use for this game. There are also plenty of players who choose to play roulette specifically. The main reason is that you can influence the game a bit with strategy.

set the budget

Choose a budget you feel comfortable with

Of course we can suggest an amount that will suit you. For example, a budget of € 1,000 will always do. Regardless of the strategy you choose. But it is also important that you choose a strategy that you feel comfortable with. For some players this is only € 100. For others it is € 500. This is very personal for each player. It is important that you do not feel any extra pressure or anxiety because of the budget you have chosen.

Go for an amount you can really afford

Amount you can afford to lose

It is important that you choose an amount that you can really miss. Imagine you deposit € 1,000 on your account. Of course you’re going to try to double this amount. But what happens if you lose this amount? Of course you are not happy when you lose € 1,000. But will it really get you in trouble? This is a question you should ask yourself.

Don’t get in trouble if you lose €1,000 or €100? Then this budget is fine! Especially as long as you feel comfortable with it. Can’t really miss the amount because the bill still has to be paid? Then it’s time for a different budget.

Choose a Roulette strategy that suits you now

You’ve now established a budget that perfectly matches your spending power as a player. Now it’s time to choose your roulette tactics. If you have a large budget at your disposal, you can go for the Martingale system. Is your budget smaller? Then it’s smart to choose something that fits your budget better. For this, it’s important to read up on the different roulette strategies. Some systems are fine on a small budget. But there are strategies like Martingale that simply require a large budget.

Combine a Roulette strategy with budget management

You’ve set a budget and chosen a strategy. This means you’re well on your way to winning a Roulette game. But unfortunately, you’re not there yet! In our opinion, the key to success really lies in excellent budget management. Players who don’t manage their money well when playing roulette often end up cheated.

They end up not keeping any money from the game and play everything away within a few rounds. This is why budget management is so incredibly important. Here are a few roulette tips to combine with your strategy.

Take a loss into account

In an online casino they obviously can’t let all players win. The casino is not a charity. They also just need money to stay in business. It’s just another business that makes a lot of money from the losers. Because roulette is a game of chance, you have to deal with losses. With budget management you make sure that there is a safety net to absorb your losses. If you can do this, you might even win at roulette.

How do you allocate budget with a strategy?

dividing the budget with a tactic

We take into account that you will always lose some rounds. Therefore we work with betting percentages per round. We want to spend a maximum of 5% of our total budget per round. Imagine your budget is € 100. We want to spend a maximum of € 5 per round. This way we have enough leeway to compensate for multiple losses. This does not mean that you are really betting a maximum of 5% per round.

We know that most strategies are progressive. This means that each round you are going to bet a little more money. That’s why we build up our bets slowly. Sometimes we start with 1% or even 0.5% of our budget. After that we slowly build up to 5%. This way we really have enough money left over!

You know immediately which strategies are possible and which are not

By applying budget management you will immediately notice something else in the casino! You’ll see immediately that certain strategies are not at all possible with a small budget. The Martingale system is of course a perfect example of this. Imagine your budget is € 50. Then 1% is €0.50 and 5% is €2.50. Imagine you start with € 0.50. If you lose, you double to € 1. Do you lose again? Then you’re down to €2 for your next bet. You can’t lose anymore or you will already exceed your budget. With a larger budget you have much more space.

How often do you lose at online roulette?

This is, of course, a question that involves a certain amount of luck. But also the stakes in the game are important. Are you playing on one number with one bet? Then the chance of winning is 2.7%. This means that you will lose 97.3% of the rounds. In other words, you will lose a lot. Unless you’re lucky and your number just falls! Are you betting on red/black? Then the chance of winning is 48%. So you’ll win a lot more often.

But still it can be really bad and you suddenly lose 5 rounds in a row. So you really have to take into account that you are going to lose 5 or 8 rounds in a row. This is the reason why you apply budget management.

Make sure you think about your commitment

Of course, you can bet up to 5% of your budget per round in the casino. But this doesn’t mean at all that this will bring you to a profit. If you insist on one number, there is still a big risk that your entire budget will be gone in 10 rounds. So think about what you’re going to bet on.

Most roulette strategies are also set up for single odds. This means that you bet on red, black, even, odd, low or high. After all, as a player you know you’ll have the best chance of winning!

Does a Roulette strategy guarantee success?

guarantee of success

Roulette, of course, remains a game of chance. You can choose the smartest roulette strategy. Unfortunately, this doesn’t guarantee that you’ll actually win. You just have to be lucky that the right numbers fall. So why choose a roulette strategy? By consciously thinking about your bets, you can influence the game a bit.

Actually, most systems are aimed at absorbing losses. But especially to turn your losses into profits. In the end, you’ll have to be lucky to come out a winner. But you’re more likely to win with a roulette strategy than without one at the casino.

Increase your success with a profit target

Ultimately, it is also important to play with a profit objective. As a player, you don’t want to lose your money because you played too far. This is a mistake many players make. By playing too far they lose all their money. Make sure you don’t get greedy. By stopping in time, a roulette strategy can really be the winning combination. But combine this with excellent budget management at the casino.

Set a realistic goal when you play online roulette

Goal of the online roulette game

Of course you can shout that you want to win € 10,000. But unless your budget was already € 9,500, this is not realistic. A 10% to 20% win is realistic and achievable with roulette strategy. Again, you determine this based on your budget. So you see, your budget is incredibly important in an online casino.

So if your budget is € 1,000 a profit of € 200 is possible. As soon as you have reached this amount stop playing immediately. Tomorrow is another day and you can try again to win 20% with a roulette system!

What is really the best roulette system in the casino?

Best roulette system

Actually, there is no best online casino roulette strategy. All roulette systems have their own advantages and disadvantages. It’s mainly a matter of which roulette system suits you best. Besides, playing in a casino should also be fun.

Online casinos do everything they can to make playing roulette a party. Of course you want to win, but it’s also important to keep having fun. It’s especially important to find out which roulette strategy appeals to you as a player. Which system would you like to win with? But you also want to keep using it round after round. This is the system that works best for you.

In addition, the roulette strategy must fit your budget. The Martingale strategy, for example, is not for every player. This is not a bad thing, but it is useful to consider it in terms of budget. Especially if you’re going to pick a roulette strategy for the casino.

Extra Roulette tips

? Why is the Martingale Roulette tactic so popular?

This is because this system is very easy to learn, especially if you have never played with a strategy before. The Martingale is used so you can win your bet back in the long run. The disadvantage is that you need to have a reasonable budget if you want to perform this tactic well. Our tip is therefore to start with as low a stake as possible and gradually build it up.

? Which system brings the most profit?

Your best bet is to choose the Martingale. This one is actually number one. The Labouchere strategy has also proven itself many times over. The Red Bet strategy is also a winner, only this one is more focused on limiting your losses.

? Is it true that you can only play for real money?

You can indeed play Roulette for money, but this is not mandatory. You can also choose to try the free versions first. This is especially great for new players as it allows you to get acquainted with the game and try out some of its tactics.

? What systems are best to use in live roulette?

It doesn’t really matter where you’re playing, you can use any tactic anywhere. Whether you’re playing at a land-based casino, in a live casino, or online against the computer. Just make sure you don’t take a notebook with you when you play at land-based casinos! Try to memorize the systems beforehand. Playing live roulette? Then feel free to grab your phone and follow a strategy.

? What are single odds in roulette?

These are the simpler bets you can place on this game. For example, you can bet on red or black every time. But it is also possible to bet on even, odd, low or high. The most well-known bet is red/black.

? What Roulette variations are there?

The standard version is the European Roulette, which is the most common. French and American Roulette are also very common. The biggest difference between the two is actually in the American Roulette wheel, which has two green zero pockets. This is the reason many players choose the other roulette variations.